
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Julian and Karen's Wedding Morning!

I remember waking up after a great, restful sleep.  Both Julian and I had slept well.  I don't think we could believe this was our wedding day.  We were way too calm and relaxed..hehe!!..
I had made no promises about that morning.."I had to wait to see how i feel"..but i felt so Julian and I decided to go down and get some breakfast..and we sat on our terrace..and took pictures of Monterosso, in the distance, and of Belforte..The two places where our wedding would take only a few hours.
Julian helped me with my German speech..created that morning..We were excited!..and then we went out to find Lynn.  She was supposed to come for 9am..but i decided 10 am would be lots of time:)
 you can easily see Belforte..where our reception would be held.

the top right white or beige cover at the top of the ancient tower is Belforte where our reception will be held:)

 Vernazza harbour..where we would all get on ferries to Monterosso today.  Julian's ferry leaves at 3pm and mine at 3:30
Julian editing my German speach.

 Lynn's and Ian's and Justin's rooms were only metres when we turned a corner to go to Lynn's and there she was..standing beneath the sea shells...our talk also woke Ian (whose window was open) so there we were all standing together..hehe..with Justin groaning in the background from his bed!

thank you Lynn for recognizing the importace of all these pictures..this is something i hadnt thought of or recognized the importance of..and as you can see..we are loving and so grateful for every shot..
Mwah!! XOXOX

 WOW...these pics were taken from  Belforte the morning of our wedding..WOW!!  You can see Monterosso behind us.  This is the village where our ceremony will take place at 4pm today:)



Sisters!..on "our" wedding day:)

The Wedding Morning....after the groom left!!

so, Julian left take his suit to Lynn's room..and then he went down to the water to relax before it was time to get prepared for our wedding.

after Julian left, we had lots of visitors..Ian and Justin came up to make a quick plan...there room, with no a/c was so hot.."Mom, can we get ready for the wedding in your room?  hehe:) of course you can!"  .they would go down..and relax..and at 2pm come up to dress and they would bring lynn and i some food.

brian came up...he and Lynn were up to something..there were many whispers..and secrets:)

Oliver and shandi also came up for a visit.
Lynn and Justin and Ian were enjoying themselves!!:)
so the morning was very calm and fun!

..but at around 1pm when Miriam came in and i wasn't dressed and Lynn wasn't madeup..things got a little more hectic..and the pace quickened....but all in a good way!  Our plan was to do Lynn's makeup together..we never did do Lynn's makeup....I don't even know when she had time to do it..She was so busy looking after me..WOW::Lynnie..i love you!..I started to go in circles!!...Swoosh swoosh went my dress back and forth to the bathroom..  to touch up my hair and makeup..its a good thing when it was time to go out..cause otherwise..i was just pacing..and touching my makeup and hair..which is a dangerous thing to do:):)

Lynn left our room at 220pm or so...she and Oliver and Shandi Brian and Carol and Julian were taking the ferry at 3pm

at about 2:30  this picture happened so fast..with Ian's cel phone.  we didn't plan it..
I sat..hiked up my dress..I LOVE my shoes..asked the boys to come 'quickly' to my side, i asked for their hands because i wanted to feel them..and SNAP!! amazing!
wow..look at my sons!  Just look how handsome and proud they are!! WOW!

Finally Miriam said..its time to go..that's when i stopped pacing..I grabbed my bag and umbrella and fan and my sons..and out the door we went.

to HUGE applause all through the village..everywhere we went people were smiling and congratulating in many languages and applauding..IT WAS WONDERFUL!

The Groom

Our Wedding Ceremony 4pm - San Francesco Terrace Monterosso


Is this woman beautiful, classy and elegant or what!! WOW!

he sees her
she sees him

finally..they are's their wedding day!!:)

she has his flower hidden in her bouquet:)

she laughs nervously..he takes a deep breath..let the ceremony begin:)

Anna signing the book